Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Building a Home

We are now registered at Target!!!

Jason met me after work and we made it a date. We stopped at Del Taco for a quick dinner so we wouldn't be hungry.

When you create a registry, they give you a packet. This packet includes coupons, a checklist, a catalog, and a giftcard to Shutterfly. I think I have five Shutterfly cards at this point. I got several from David's Bridal when I was dress shopping, as well. It's pretty much awesome!

Anyway, we started out with the kitchen...I think we will start with smaller rooms on our other registries. There are a lot of little pieces to a kitchen!

From what I hear, most people really get a kick out of scanning everything. I was excited to scan the first few things, but not for the sake of scanning. It was really exciting to begin piecing together the little details of what will become our home with Jason. As for the scanning itself...well, we've both used similar technology at work so much. It's pretty much just...whatever.

I think we've almost covered our bases with the kitchen...there's a few odds and ends missing, but we'll edit the registry, of course, over the next couple weeks.

We are really excited about a dinnerware set we found!! I've had a really hard time choosing colors for our kitchen, but I think we've settled on something we will both be content with for quite awhile.

The blue, green, and gray in this set is perfect! This gives us a few different color options to mix and match. It's really versatile. We can go neutral or throw in a splash of color where we want. We both like the colors and have liked them for a long time. They are very warm and comforting, rather than overbearing, , in-your-face color. I don't imagine I'll be absolutely sick of them next time I turn around.

From the kitchen, we moved on to the bathroom. I'm really excited about this as well. I love red as an accent color, but I've decided I don't want the currently popular black, white, with a bright and bold red mix. For anything. It seems very high strung and bold...It stresses me out. I want deeper, richer colors. Then, on the other hand, I was starting to think our whole house was going to be blue...and that's a problem as well. Anyway, I think we came to an agreement on a deep scarlet and bronze:

We headed home at this point. The registry still needs some work, but this was a huge step in the right direction. Stuff is getting done and that is a good thing. I've got three weeks to have everything pretty well set.

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